Wonker Twins / ウォンカー・ツインズ

  • Joined: November 24, 2021 (ASP)

She has a twin sister, also in ASP, named Matilder Twins. She believes that the two of them share a telepathic connection. [x]

Before joining WACK, she had no previous idol experience. She good into WACK at the same time as her sister, watching BiSH videos on YouTube. Years before however, she remembers seeing a video of BiS Kaidan and was terrified of what she saw, she couldn’t unsee it. After learning about BiSH, she went back and connected the dots, realizing that this is the history of BiS Kaidan. Her favourite BiSH song is [Orchestra] and Chittiii is her favourite member. [x]

After worrying about what her future holds, being unemployed with no qualifications, she spoke with Matilder and decided to apply for the audition after seeing the WACK yearly training camp audition. [x]

She thought that she only passed the first stage of document screening because she was a twin, and thought the whole thing was planned from the start. During the interview she lied to Watanabe and said that she didn’t believe she’d be invited for an interview, despite both her and Matilder being sure they’d get in. [x]

ASP – Idol Group – November 24, 2021 – Present Day

 Solo Interviews
Group Interviews